Libation to APOLLON

Sponsored by the Artemis Mounykhia Proto-demos and Eranos


Held on May 12, 2007



Officiate 1: 

“Koimeson stoma!"


Officiate 2: 

“Silence your lips!”


Officiate 1: 

“Hekas o hekas este bebeloi!”


Officiate 2:

"Let the profane ones depart!"


Officiate 3:

"Hear us on this day, great Apollon."



"Hear us"


Officiate 3:

Phoibos, of you even the swan sings with clear voice to the beating of his wings, as he alights upon the bank by the eddying river Peneios; and of you the sweet-tongued minstrel, holding his high-pitched lyre, always sings both first and last. And so hail to you lord! We seek your favor.

 (From the Homeric Hymn to Apollon)


O holy child of great Leto, golden-haired Phoebus, come from afar to be near us as the son of Hyperion rises over the navel of the world. As daylight dawns at sacred Delphi we who adore you turn our thoughts there, scattered as we are across the whole earth, and each in our own way salute you,

remembering the one we shall never forget.  Where your golden foot steps is hallowed ground;

may you come to each one of us.  And with your coming the light grows warm, and soft harmonies cleanse the air.  Your presence purifies us, for only what is pure can approach Apollo.

Where you are is sweet Delphi, and we who are yours unite in this sacred place to greet and to praise you,

to smell the fragrance of your hair, and to remember, to always remember,

Apollo who shoots afar.

(From the Kyklos Apollon ritual)



"Apollon, we sing your praises"


Officiate 3:

"May our libations today reach your lips"


Officiate 1 (with Officiate 3, Officiate 2, and anyone else alternately pouring):

A libation in your honor, Apollon Mousêgetês, “leader of the muses”


”Apollon, we honor you”


Officiate 1:

A libation in your honor, Apollon Paiêon, “healer”



”Apollon, we honor you”



Officiate 1:

A libation in your honor, Apollon Alexikakos, “averter of harm and evil”



“Apollon, we honor you”


Officiate 1:

A libation in your honor, Apollon Boêdromios, “rescuer”



”Apollon, we honor you”


Officiate 1:

A libation in your honor, Apollon Theoxenios, “protector of strangers”



“Apollon, we honor you”


Officiate 1:

A libation in your honor, Apollon Aiglêtos, “the shining”



“Apollon, we honor you”


Officiate 1:

And finally, a libation in your honor,  Apollon Thearios, “of the Oracle”



“Apollon, we honor you”


Officiate 2:

Come, O blessed Paian, O slayer of Titanos, O Phoibos, O Lykoreus;

A giver of riches are you and an illustrious dweller of Memphis, O god to whom one cries IE.

To you, O Titan and Pythian god, belong the lyre, and seeds and plows.

Grynean, Sminthian, slayer of Pytho, Delphic diviner,

you are a wild, light-bringing and lovable god, O glorious youth.

You shoot your arrows from afar, you lead the Muses into dance,

and, O holy one, you are Bakkhos, Didymeus, and Loxias, too.

Lord of Delos, eye that sees all and brings light to mortals,

golden is your hair, and clear your oracular utterance.

Hear me with kindly heart as I pray for people.

You gaze upon all the ethereal vastness, and upon the rich earth you look through the twilight.

In the quiet darkness of a night lit with stars you see earth's roots below, and you hold the bounds

of the whole world. Yours, too, are the beginning and the end to come.

You make everything bloom, and with your versatile lyre

you harmonize the poles, now reaching the highest pitch,

now the lowest, and now again with the Doric mode

balancing the poles harmoniously, as you keep the living races distinct.

You have infused harmony into all men's lot,

giving them an equal measure of summer and winter.

The lowest notes you strike in the winter, the highest in the summer,

and your mode is Doric for spring's lovely and blooming season.

Wherefore mortals call you lord, and Pan,

the two-horned god who sends the whistling winds.

For this, too, you have the master seal of the entire cosmos.

O blessed one, hear the suppliant voice of the initiates and save them.

(Orphic hymn, translation by A. Athanassakis)


[Any personal devotions, requests, stories, poetry or songs are made/read at this time.]


Officiate 2:

“Hail, Apollon, god of medicine, healing, light, and archery!  Grant us your blessings, and we shall assemble in your honor again.”