[the white stripes fan fiction archive]
Fiction Archive | Submit!

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Why White Stripes fan fiction?
Well, why not, of course!
After finding a sad void in the realm of fan fiction for the Stripes, I decided to take matters into own hand and a) attempt to write a story myself (see: "Harder To Be A Gentleman") and b) make an archive for other stories.
This is as much a work in progress as the fiction contained here.  This site only exists with the help of your contrbutions.  So, please everyone keep an open mind and enjoy!

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06.17.03  Site designed for mass consumption.  More to come.

07.03.03  Apologies for neglecting the site, I have been so busy, anyways...update:

- added parts 13 - 19 of "harder to be a gentleman"

I'm working on getting this place a bit more booming.  Look for big updates in the very near future.  Oh, and be sure to sign the guestbook.  I would love to hear your comments on the site and the fiction herein.

07.04.03  Added the great story Something New by glitterscars over in the White Stripes fan fiction section of the archive.  Go check it out!

Also, I added two slash pieces by ears -- Not Just Yet and Twin Sandwich.  If you are unfamilar with the genre of slash, please be sure to read the "What is Slash?" article.  It's not for everyone, but I've always liked it.

07.06.03  Added poetry section.  Poetry soon to come.

07.07.03  Added The White Stripes - A Short Story by Han. Go check it out!

07.19.03  Loads of updates:


White Heat by stoner candy

For You by saharazaad

Jack Fiction:

Added end of Harder to Be a Gentleman (i.e. parts 20 and 21) by myself (radiantbaby)

Added parts 1-6 of story Now Mary, also by myself.

Slash Fiction:

Added parts 1-4 ofstory Photograph, embarassingly by myself.

Also, the archive might be getting a facelift as my new pal Kate (sugarstarnarcotic) is working on a redesign.  I can't wait!





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