harder to be a gentleman
GENRE: Romance, (Melo)drama
KEY MEMBER(S): Mr. White SYNOPSIS: Girl meets boy backstage...romance ensues...your typical, classic "Mary-Sue" (or should I say "Suzy-Lee"? natch).
RATING: NC-17 FEEDBACK: Please email me at radiantbaby@mindspring.com or post it in the White Stripes FanFic LiveJournal community (http://www.livejournal.com/users/ws_fanfic/). MISC: This is my first foray into White Stripes fan fiction, be gentle...
parts one - nine parts ten - twenty-one [end] lucky you
KEY MEMBER(S): Jack White and a female fan. SYNOPSIS: Christina, a 17 year old fan, goes to a White Stripes concert hoping to seduce Jack White, and Jack falls in love with her. RATING: NC-17 FEEDBACK: Privately MISC: Sex scenes are hard to write.
part one now mary
GENRE: Romance, Drama, Alternate reality? KEY MEMBER(S): Jacky White (not to be confused with Little Jacky Paper) SYNOPSIS: I was thinking one day about how Jack always writes about "Suzy Lee" and fancied writing a story proposing the thought that she might be based on a real girl in his life. So...this is about Jack's early encounters Maribeth Suzanne Lee, the girl who would greatly inspire his road to the White Stripes and his reunion with her in the present. RATING: NC-17...yep FEEDBACK: Pleasepleaseplease either in the community, guestbook, or email (radiantbaby@mindspring.com), I'm not that picky... MISC: Remember this is fiction, I do not presume to know facts about Jacks younger years, so yes, I have a few taken liberties with names and dates for the fluidity of the story.
parts one - six meg.white.fan.fiction
something new
GENRE: Romance KEY MEMBER(S): Jack and Meg SYNOPSIS: Jack and Meg don't wanna be in the music business anymore...but is there something more than friendship between them? A big decision sparks a whole new life for both of them. RATING: PG FEEDBACK: send feedback to glitterscars_13@hotmail.com
complete story the white stripes - a short story
GENRE: Drama, Social commentary
KEY MEMBER(S): Jack (moreso) and Meg
SYNOPSIS: Jack finds himself in an intersting situation...read for more.
FEEDBACK: email to M80Han@yahoo.com or leave feedback in the livejournal community
complete story -- linked from Han's site by permission white.stripes.slash
Unfamilar with the genre of slash? Please, go here first. It's not everyone's cup of tea:
what is slash?: an article not just yet
GENRE: slash, PWP
KEY MEMBER(S): Jack/Rivers Cuomo [Weezer]
SYNOPSIS: Jack/Rivers Cuomo, kissing, then there's a shower RATING: NC-17 FEEDBACK: email to hobbit_ears@hotmail.com or leave feedback in the livejournal community
complete story photograph
GENRE: Slash, PWP/PWOP KEY MEMBER(S): Jack White/Brian Bell of Weezer SYNOPSIS: Brian gets an unexpected little crush on Jack at Reading and wants to try and consummate it. Will he succeed? RATING: NC-17? X? This one is pretty saucy... FEEDBACK: Pleasepleaseplease either in the community, guestbook, or email (radiantbaby@mindspring.com), I'm not that picky MISC: Okay, this fiction came about from the slash challenge on the _jackwhite_ community board (from posting the pic of Jack at Reading with a brooding Brian in the background - see: http://www.weezer.com/karlscorner/13/20020823reading21big.jpg ). This is my first Brian Bell fiction, as well as my first White Stripes slash piece. Be kind.
parts one - four twin sandwich
GENRE: slash, PWP
KEY MEMBER(S): Jack/Joel and Benji Madden [Good Charlotte]
SYNOPSIS: Jack/Joel and Benji Madden, in the rain, lots of nekkidness RATING: NC-17 FEEDBACK: email to hobbit_ears@hotmail.com or leave feedback in the livejournal community
complete story white.stripes.poetry
for you by.saharazaad
white heat by.stoner.candy